by Jennifer Poindexter
Do you have a sunny growing location that you’d like to plant in? Are you considering planting herbs?
This can be a tricky group of plants because many of them seem to thrive in partial sunlight instead of full sun.
However, there are a few herbs which prefer growing in full sunlight. If you’re interested in learning more about these plants, stick around.
I’ll share which herbs to grow in full sunlight and also give you a little insight as to which planting zones and growing conditions are necessary to grow them well.
Here are the herbs you should consider growing in your sunny gardening location:
1. Chives
Chives are a gorgeous herb that tastes great when incorporated into a variety of recipes. Plus, they’re perennial and come back larger with each passing year.
If you’d like to grow chives, be sure to plant them in an area with full sunlight and in well-draining soil that’s filled with nutrients.
Chives are hardy in planting zones three through nine. Take care of these plants and they’ll provide both flavor and beauty.

2. Lavender
Lavender is a gorgeous plant that has plenty of uses. You can make herbal teas and even use it as part of your home décor.
If you’d like to grow lavender, the first thing to know is where this plant is hardy. There are different varieties of lavender and some are more cold hardy than others. In most cases, lavender is hardy in planting zones three through nine.
Be sure to provide this plant with full sunlight and well-draining soil. Some varieties of lavender might also appreciate afternoon shade depending upon your planting zone and temperatures.

3. Chervil
Though chervil loves direct sun, don’t confuse this with thinking the plant also loves high temperatures. In fact, chervil prefers to grow when it’s cooler outside.
This plant is an annual and grows well in planting zones three through seven. However, it will need to grow during cooler portions of the year.
If you live in a warmer climate, it might be wise to provide chervil with some shade to protect it. Otherwise, grow this plant in full sunlight and in well-draining soil to keep it productive throughout its growing season.

4. Rosemary
Rosemary is a gorgeous plant that can grow to be large under the right growing conditions and with adequate care. Prepare for this as you decide on a growing location.
This herb is a perennial in planting zones seven through ten. It needs full sunlight and well-draining soil. However, the soil must be light and fluffy.
Plant the herb where these conditions are available, after all threat of frost is over, and you should have a productive plant for years to come.

5. Lemon Balm
Lemon balm is a wonderful herb to have around because of its fragrance. It’s wonderful at inviting pollinators into your yard or garden.
Keep in mind, lemon balm is considered a shrub. Therefore, it’s perennial in planting zones four through nine. However, it can grow to be larger than some of the other herbs on this list.
If you have enough room for this plant, ensure it grows in full sunlight. It isn’t picky about the soil it grows in. However, it does best in well-draining soil that’s also high in nutrients.

6. Summer Savory
Are you looking for an herb that’s easy to grow and can handle full sunlight? Summer savory could be what you need.
This plant is an annual and can grow in any planting zone. It does need full sunlight and specific soil to thrive.
If the soil is well-draining, rich in nutrients, and the plant is watered consistently, it should do well in your garden.

7. Mint
Mint is a plant that grows easily, but you must also be mindful of it as it can take over a growing space. For this reason, many people opt to grow mint in a container.
However you decide to grow it, ensure mint is met with the right growing conditions. This herb needs a minimum of five hours of sunlight per day.
It also prefers well-draining soil that’s high in nutrients and is consistently damp. It’s wise to mulch around mint to help retain the necessary moisture around the plant.

8. Caraway
Caraway is an interesting herb to grow. It has a longer germination period and prefers to be directly sown into its growing area as it can prove difficult to transplant it successfully.
Once the caraway is planted, you must keep the soil damp while you wait on the seeds to germinate. Ensure the growing location has full sunlight which usually equates to six to eight hours worth.
It’s also important that the soil is nutrient dense and well-draining. Caraway is a perennial herb in planting zones four through ten.

9. Parsley
Parsley is a common herb that many people use around their kitchen. If you have a sunny growing location this could be the perfect plant for you.
When growing parsley, use well-draining soil. This ensures water can reach the roots and flow away quickly to avoid the plant becoming oversaturated. It’s also important that the herb is planted in a sunny location.
Parsley also needs nutrients, so ensure the soil has been amended prior to planting. In most locations, parsley is grown as an annual. However, in planting zones nine and higher parsley is considered a perennial.

10. Basil
Basil is another useful herb to keep around your garden as it can be used in a variety of recipes and makes a wonderful garnish as well.
If you’d like to grow basil, plant it in a bed or container that contains well-draining soil. The dirt should remain consistently moist. However, be mindful of how much you water basil as you don’t want it to become too saturated.
Be aware that basil is only hardy in planting zones ten and eleven. In most areas this plant will be considered an annual. However, it’s simple to start from seed, so the reward is typically worth the effort.

11. Chamomile
Are you familiar with chamomile? Does herbal tea instantly come to mind when you hear the name of this plant?
If not, you should try it. Chamomile is considered a calming herb and used in teas to help you relax after a long day.
When growing chamomile, you can use a variety of growing methods. Ensure the soil is well-draining and if you live in a warmer climate, provide some afternoon shade. Chamomile is hardy in planting zones two through nine.

12. Lemongrass
Lemongrass is another refreshing herb that many people use to lighten up the flavor of their cooking. It adds a hint of freshness.
If you’re interested in growing lemongrass, the first thing is to make sure you have the right growing conditions. This herb needs nutrient rich soil that drains adequately.
You might also consider growing lemongrass in a container as it’s only hardy in planting zones nine and ten. If your winter temperatures dip below 20-degrees Fahrenheit, you’ll need to move the plant indoors for it to survive.

13. Cilantro
Cilantro is a wonderful herb to keep on hand. We use it a lot around our home when making homemade salsa.
This herb can handle mild frosts. However, it can’t handle too much heat. Therefore, you should grow it in the spring or fall to give it the greatest chance of thriving.
Cilantro also must have full sunlight unless growing in a warmer time of year. In that case, providing some shade might help you prolong the life of the plant. You should also plant in well-draining soil.

14. Dill
Dill is a unique herb. It can’t handle frost, but it doesn’t enjoy too much heat either. Therefore, if you live in a warmer planting zone (nine through eleven), you’ll grow this herb over the winter.
In lower to middle planting zones (three through seven), you’ll grow dill in the summer. Be sure to plant the herb in well-draining soil and where it will receive full sunlight.
Be mindful of these tips, so hopefully you can enjoy fresh dill for both flavor and color when cooking.

15. Fennel
Fennel is a unique herb as it grows at ground level. It’s great when used for making beverages, stuffing, relishes, and even pizza.
If you’re interested in growing fennel around your home, be sure to plant it after all threat of frost is over in the spring.
This herb needs full sun, well-draining soil that’s watered consistently and high in nutrients, and should be grown in planting zones four through nine. In these areas, fennel is considered a perennial.

16. Tarragon
Our last sun-loving herb is tarragon. There are three popular varieties of this plant which are Russian, French, and Mexican tarragon.
French tarragon likes full sun, well-draining soil, and does best in planting zones four and higher.
Russian tarragon prefers warmth and little humidity. This type of tarragon does well in full sun and loamy soil. It’s hardy in planting zones four through eight.
Mexican tarragon prefers full sun and nutrient dense soil that’s also well-draining. It’s only hardy in planting zones nine through eleven. If you love tarragon, there’s a variety for just about anyone.
This concludes our tour of sun-loving herbs. If you have a sunny location and want to plant an herb garden, there should be something on this list for you.
Figure out what flavors you love, what planting zone you’re in, and what growing conditions you can provide. If you match these specifications with a few of the herbs mentioned here, you should be well on your way to having a beautiful and delicious new garden.
More About Growing Herbs in Full Sunlight

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