QUESTION: Is it better to water tomato plants in the morning or evening? I’m not sure if I’m doing it correctly. — Lisa A
ANSWER: Begin by watering your tomato plants in the morning, as they’ll need the moisture to get through the hottest period of the day. That said, you don’t want to water your plants once the day has gotten too warm, or the water can be heated up by the sun and actually burn the plant. Plants also are able to absorb water and nutrients more efficiently in the early part of the day than they are in late afternoon, evening, or at night.
As the growing season progresses, while temperatures spike and plants get larger, you may find that your tomato plants begin needing more water than you can give them in just one daily watering session. When this happens, you should go ahead and water them a second time once temperatures have fallen a bit as afternoon turns into evening. Be sure to water your tomato plants at their base instead of splashing the leaves with water, as this can reduce the possibility of sunscald through heated water droplets on the plants’ foliage.

Thanks you very much, my question has been answered vividly.