QUESTION: What are some good tomato varieties that produce small plants? I don’t have a ton of garden space to devote to tomatoes. — Margaret G.
ANSWER: Tomato plants come in two varieties: bush type and vining type. Bush plants are likely to be smallest, especially when they are compact or dwarf plants. However, there is one vining type of the list of small tomato plant varieties to consider that we present below, so it’s not an ironclad law.
There are many lists on the internet rounding up the plants that produce the smallest tomatoes. This is not one of those lists. Instead, this article focuses on plant size instead of fruit size. The list below includes the smallest plants for gardeners like Margaret who don’t have a lot of room to spare.
506 Bush Tomatoes
Plants averaging 18 inches tall produce bright red fruits that are free of blemishes and have a mild, slightly sweet flavor. You can count on this drought tolerant variety for a bountiful harvest. The determinate plants reach maturity in around 62 days.
Bush Early Girl Tomatoes
This Early Girl hybrid grows into bushes that top out around three feet tall. It’s an excellent choice for containers. Each small bush produces lots of tomatoes, which weigh in between six and seven ounces. The determinate plants reach maturity in around 54 days.
Micro Tom Tomatoes
Micro Tom is the world’s smallest variety of tomato plant, reaching heights between six and eight inches tall. Fruits are deep red and weigh in at one ounce. The determinate plants reach maturity at 50 to 60 days.
New Big Dwarf Tomatoes
Dwarf plant grows up to two or three feet tall but produces relatively large fruits that weigh about a pound. Tomatoes are deep pink, extremely flavorful, and have a slightly flattened shape—perfect for a container garden. The determinate plants reach maturity in around 90 days.
Small Fry Tomatoes
Plants top out around four feet tall. Small Fry tomato plants produce lots of small red cherry tomatoes that weigh in around 0.75 ounces. The determinate plants reach maturity at around 70 to 80 days.
Tiny Tim Tomatoes
These dwarf plants only reach heights between eight and 16 inches tall. They’re especially well suited for container gardens. Tiny Tim tomato plants produce lots of red cherry tomatoes with a tart yet sweet flavor. The determinate plants reach maturity at around 60 days.
Tumbling Tom Tomatoes
Tumbling Tom tomato plants are perfect candidates for hanging baskets. The plants are only six to eight inches tall but can have vining branches that reach up to 30 inches long. They produce up to four pounds of yellow tomatoes per plant. The determinate plants reach maturity at around 63 to 70 days.
Now that you have a list of the tomato varieties that grow into the smallest plants, you can make a decision about what to grow next season. Whether you’re looking for red or yellow fruits, bush style or vining, tiny cherry tomatoes or big ones for slicing, you’ll find a tomato that’s perfect for your garden in this list.
Learn More About Small Tomato Plant Varieties

I am ;looking for a tomato plant that only grows about 2-1/2 ft tall will regular size
tomato. what kind of plant should I get?