by Matt Gibson Want to grow pink flowers in your garden this season? The color pink is delicate, charming, feminine, and sweet. Pink is nice, playful, cute, charming, and tender. Pink reminds one of bubble gum, cotton candy, babies, and little girls. Pink represents … [Read more...]
An Easy Perennial Garden List
Perennial gardens, are in general, fairly easy to plant and maintain, but some perennials require less maintenance than others. Native plants are usually a good choice, so long as you mimic the conditions found in their natural environment. Another important consideration when … [Read more...]
Peonies Are Not Blooming
Putting a lot of work into something and then not seeing the results you expected is the worst. Many gardeners do everything they can for their peonies only to get no blooms and to be left wondering what could have gone wrong. Most of the time, the reason the peonies didn't bloom … [Read more...]