With over thirty cultivars, few flowers can boast as rich a selection of varieties as snapdragons.
From cut floral arrangements, stunning ground covers, to breathtaking garden displays, snapdragons have a flower for every garden and every occasion.
Not forgetting the plant’s hidden meaning and symbolism according to legend and folklore.
Clearly, there’s more to the snapdragon plant than meets the eye.
Below are our top picks for the most enchanting types of snapdragon you might not know about:
Frosted Flame Snapdragons

Frosted Flames are among the most unique snapdragon plants. Their leaves come with shades of ivory and cream, and their blossoms in shades of pink, red, yellow, and cream. Some cultivars also come in bicolored petals.
They grow to about 18 inches and are great options for potting or making garden borders.
Rocket Snapdragons

Rocket snapdragons are tall and sturdy with stems that grow up to 36 inches. They have excellent heat tolerance, and produce closely set florets, in 8 different colors.
Bright Butterfly Snapdragons

Bright Butterflies grow to about 3 feet tall to form clusters of open-faced flowers. They come in a selection of seven stunning colors, ideal for brightening up your garden.
Madame Butterfly Snapdragons

Madame Butterflies are a cross between rocket snapdragons and Bright Butterflies. Consequently, their flowers are not entirely open-faced but are azalea shaped. The blossoms come in shades of red, purple, pink, lavender, orange, yellow, and white.
Chandelier Snapdragons

Chandelier snapdragons grow in bushes with their leaves and flowers extending outwards.
Their blossoms are a bit smaller than other varieties, but not any less beautiful. This, coupled with their growth pattern, makes them an excellent option for growing in hanging baskets.
Black Prince Snapdragons

Although it’s named “Black Prince,” this variety has purple leaves with deep red flowers. It grows in long sturdy stems, reaching up to 18 inches and prefers warmer climates with full sun.
Black Prince creates an excellent contrast color with other plants in your garden.
La Bella Snapdragons

These are another butterfly variety, producing tightly packed, open-faced white flowers. La Bella Snapdragons grow up to 20 inches and produce fragrant blossoms from early spring into the fall.
Chantilly Snapdragons

Chantilly snapdragons are a trailing variety great for hanging baskets. They grow in vines that can extend up to 40 inches to produce lightly scented, open-faced blossoms.
They are a must-have for your indoor garden, window box, or limited garden space.
Royal Bride Snapdragons

The Royal Bride is a classic snapdragon variety often found in the garden of old English cottages. It grows to a height of about 3 feet and produces fragrant white blossoms with a hint of cream near the stem.
Royal Brides are sure to add a touch of charm to your garden and make great cutting flowers.
Liberty Classic Snapdragons

Liberty Classics have the quintessential snapdragon look. They grow to about 22 inches tall and produce large flowers in shades of lavender, scarlet, and bronze. They are also quite sturdy and will tolerate some wind despite their large blossoms.
Like Royal Brides, they also make stunning cutting flowers and even better gifts in a posy.
Candy Shower Snapdragons

Candy Shower is a dwarf snapdragon, only growing to about 8 inches high and spreading to about 18 inches. This makes them an excellent option for growing in pots, hanging baskets, or as a cover plant.
They also come in a variety of colors ranging from purple to red, yellow, and white.
Night and Day Snapdragons

The Night and Day Snapdragons are similar to Black Prince, but with darker red petals and white jaws. They grow to about 18 inches tall and can spread up to 2 feet wide.
With such an imposing stature, they make brilliant statement pieces in your garden.
Aroma Series Snapdragons

These spectacularly colored flowers consist of several different varieties, all with similar blossoms. Aroma Series Snapdragons grow to about 30 inches and come in a wide range of colors and scents. They include:
- French Vanilla
- Fresh Lemon
- Peach Breeze
- Magenta Mist
- Red Spice
Variations of Snapdragon Flowers
There are two basic variations of the snapdragon plant:
Summer Snapdragons (Angelonia angustifolia)
Also called Angel Flower, these grow as short-lived herbaceous perennials in USDA zones 9-11. They have an average height of between 12 and 18 inches with long flower spikes of about 8 inches.
Their flowers bloom from early June to late September in shades of blue, lilac, and purple. They are known to produce a sweet apple-like scent as well.
Common Snapdragons (Antirrhinum majus)
These are typically grown as short-lived annuals but can survive the winter in USDA zones 7-10. But only if grown in warm, sheltered parts of the garden with southern or western exposures.
Common snapdragon plants come in a few different varieties of their own, namely:
- Tall varieties grow between 2.5 to 4 feet tall and are popularly used for cut flower production.
- Mid-size varieties are between 15 and 30 inches tall. A great example is Liberty Snapdragon.
- Dwarf varieties grow to between 6 and 15 inches. Popular dwarf snapdragons include Tom Thumb and Floral Carpet.
No matter the variety, they all have two-lipped tubular flowers. They also grow in a wide range of colors, with some presenting bicolor flowers.
They are also early bloomers with blossoms coming in as early as April and can last into the winter.
Snapdragon Flowers According to Folklore
Snapdragon’s genus name “Antirrhinum” comes from the Greek words:
- anti, which means like, and
- rhin, which means nose or snout.
Put together, they mean “like a snout.” An apt description for the dragon mouth shape of the flower.
According to folklore, there are three true meanings of the snapdragon flower:
The snapdragon plant can grow in harsh rocky conditions, making it a symbol of strength and resilience. This is why snapdragons are given to people who are going through a tough time, as a form of encouragement.
In ancient times, snapdragons were used to convey messages of love between lovers. They communicated that you were thinking of them even when separated by distance.
The flowers were also used to beg forgiveness from one’s lover, and often mistress. As a result, the plants developed a reputation as a symbol of deviousness.
Snapdragons are a symbol of beauty rising from the rough ground. This, coupled with the flowers’ resemblance to a dragon gives it an air of grace.
That is why snapdragons are also used as a gift to show respect and admiration.
Snapdragon Meanings by Color
The snapdragon comes in a variety of colors, each with a symbolic meaning. Some of the most common snapdragon color meanings are:
- Red: romance, passion, and love
- Orange: passion, and believed to bring positive energy
- Yellow: optimism, happiness, and good luck
- Purple: royalty and spirituality
- White: purity, grace, innocence, and spirituality
Learn More about Snapdragon Plants
Snapdragons are adaptable to different growing conditions. They do well in the garden, window box, or containers. They also attract pollinators like hummingbirds and bees, and they are rabbit and deer resistant.
It is reasonably easy to grow snapdragons. Simply plant your snapdragon seeds in rich well-drained soil, and water your plants once per week.
But avoid overhead watering.
To learn more about how to grow snapdragons, visit Gardening Channel.
Gardening Channel is the number one online resource for home gardeners. Here you have free access to expert advice and tips on how to grow snapdragons, or indeed any other garden plant.
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Photo from needpix.com

It’s great to find some varieties of scented snapdragons, but where can I buy the seeds. A link or company name would help as my internet searches are turning up absolutely nothing on the Aroma series.