QUESTION: How can I make my Christmas tree smell stronger? My favorite part of a fresh Christmas tree is the scent. -Heather M.
ANSWER: Although there is nothing you can do to make sure the scent of your Christmas tree lasts forever, you can take steps to preserve the scent and keep it fresh for as long as possible. First, make sure that your tree is able to drink the water provided in its stand by ensuring the cut across the trunk is fresh. If more than six to eight hours passes between cutting your tree and getting it into its stand with some water to drink, you’ll need to make a fresh cut.
Slice straight across, not at an angle, and remove a slice that’s at least a quarter of an inch to half an inch thick from the bottom of the trunk. Then your tree will be able to drink from the water in its stand freely, without sap clogging it up. All you have to do to make sure your Christmas tree’s scent stays strong from this point on is make sure the stand stays full of tap water so the tree has plenty of hydration. Your stand should hold a quart of water for each inch of the tree trunk’s diameter, and you’ll likely need to fill it daily.
Make sure that your tree is kept away from sources of heat, such as the fireplace, wood-burning stove, candles, or large Christmas tree lights. These sources of heat can cause the tree to dry out, which reduces its fragrance as well as its lifespan. You can help waft the scent from your tree around the room by placing a fan on a low setting behind the tree so the air blows past the tree on its way around the room.

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