By Erin Marissa Russell
If you love the look of vining houseplants, you have lots of options to choose from. In fact, you have so many options it can be a little overwhelming. We’ve put together this list of indoor vining plants to make your decision easier, with a description of each plant and highlights of their care.
Algerian Ivy (Hedera canariensis)
Algerian ivy is also called Canary Island ivy and Madeira ivy. You can find both variegated and dark green varieties, but you’re more likely to see the variegated types as they are more common. The variegated ivies are marbled with white, cream, or silvery gray along with the green colors of the foliage.
Algerian ivy grows best in partial shade to partial sun. In deep shade, you may notice that your Algerian ivy is green even if it is a variegated variety. If this happens to you, you may wish to move your Algerian ivy plant into a sunnier spot so it will display its lighter colors.

Arrowhead Vine (Syngonium podophyllum)
Arrowhead vine gets its name from the shape of its pretty leaves. The leaves start out with a simple triangular shape, but as the plant matures, leaves become more lobed and develop a more complex shape. This trailing or climbing vine is known for its ability to grow quickly when it gets the proper care.
Grow your arrowhead vine in partial shade. If you know how to care for a philodendron, you know how to care for its cousin the arrowhead vine. As a houseplant, you can train your arrowhead vine to grow up a pole or moss stick. If you prefer a denser look to the plant’s usual vining silhouette, you can pinch back new growth to encourage an upright growth habit.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Arrowhead Vine.
Betel Leaf Plant (Piper betle)
Betel leaf plant is a member of the pepper family that is grown for the beauty of its glossy green heart-shaped leaves. It is very easy to grow when you know how the plant likes to be cared for.
Grow your betel leaf plant in a spot indoors that receives partial sunlight and partial shade. The plant likes rich soil kept evenly moist that has plenty of drainage to prevent the plant from becoming waterlogged. If the plant gets too wet, it is at risk for root rot, so be sure to use a quality potting soil that offers good drainage.
Black-Eyed Susan Vine (Thunbergia alata)
Unlike many indoor vining plants, the black-eyed Susan vine actually produces flowers for you to enjoy. The bright yellow, pink, cream, or orange blooms stand in contrast to the plant’s pretty green foliage.
Plant the black-eyed Susan vine in a large container or hanging basket. When they are provided with a large enough container and room to spread out, the vines can reach lengths from three to six feet long.
The bougainvillea plant’s flowers are made up not of petals but of special colored leaves called bracts. The blossoms are still beautiful and come in colors like hot pink, peach, and cream.
An indoor bougainvillea plant will only flower if it gets at least five to six hours of sunshine each day. We recommend keeping a bougainvillea plant next to a south-facing or west-facing window. Position the plant as close as possible to the window itself.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Bougainvillea Flowers.

Creeping Fig (Ficus pumila)
A creeping fig plant kept indoors looks slightly different from one that has grown outdoors. Outdoor plants will develop a leathery texture, while an indoor creeping fig will stay delicate. The green leaves edged in white are heart-shaped on indoor plants but can become more elliptical when the plant is grown outdoors.
Wear gloves when working with your creeping fig plants, as the plants have a milky sap inside that causes skin irritation. They can also cause severe irritation of the mouth, throat, and intestines if consumed by pets, so do not keep a creeping fig plant where pets play unsupervised.
English Ivy (Hedera helix)
English ivy is the stereotypical plant that springs to mind when you hear the word “ivy.” That’s partially because the plant is so widespread. In fact, it’s often considered invasive because of its tendency to take over. That makes growing English ivy as a houseplant the perfect situation, as its growth is controlled by the container and it can’t invade the rest of the garden.
You can grow English ivy in a hanging basket or add a trellis or moss-covered pole to its container for it to climb up. Despite how easily English ivy thrives outdoors, it needs a bit of extra care to thrive inside thanks to the dry air and stable temperature. Give the plant water when the top of the soil has dried out, and water deeply enough for moisture to drip from the container’s drainage holes. English ivy will thrive if it gets lots of indirect light or weak direct light. A spot near a north-facing or east-facing window will do the trick.
Grape Ivy (Cissus alata)
Grape ivy got its name because its foliage resembles that of a grapevine. When cared for properly, a grape ivy plant can live for up to 10 years. These plants also go by the name of oak leaf ivy or Venezuela treebine. Established plants can reach heights of between six and 10 feet tall, with a spread of three to six feet.
Grape ivy thrives best in partial shade. It can grow in low light conditions and is easy to care for as a houseplant. You can give the plant something to climb like a trellis or a pole. Grape ivy will grow well in an east-facing window. If you do end up growing it in a brighter area than partial shade, increase its watering schedule accordingly.
Heartleaf Philodendron
Heartleaf philodendron is one of the most commonly grown houseplants, and it’s easy to see why. The plant is easy to care for and rewards your care with quick growth and attractive foliage. There are lots of philodendron varieties we could have chosen to feature, but because of its widespread popularity we decided to spotlight the heartleaf philodendron. The vines of established plants can reach a length of 10 feet.
The heartleaf philodendron grows well under a spectrum of light conditions, from low light to bright indirect light. Water the plant when the soil feels dry to the touch. The heartleaf philodendron is toxic to pets, so do not grow it in places where pets play unsupervised.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Philodendron Houseplants.
Hoya Carnosa
Hoya carnosa also goes by the names of honey plant, Indian rope plant, wax plant, waxy leaf plant, and porcelain flower plant. Its leaves are fleshy like a succulent and dotted with white. There are variegated varieties out there that are edged in colors like lighter green, pink, white, and yellow. The vines of a mature Hoya carnosa plant can reach lengths of up to 10 feet.
The plant can tolerate low light but won’t really thrive there. For best results, give them plenty of bright light. Soil should be well-draining to prevent rot diseases. With proper care, Hoya carnosa will flower in shades like burgundy, orange, pink, white, and yellow. There is also a variety with blooms so dark they are almost black.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Hoya (Wax Plant).
Hoya Compacta (Hoya carnosa ‘Compacta’)
Hoya compacta is a truly unique plant, with foliage that twists in on itself in a spiral shape that resembles a rope. That’s how this plant got its common name of the Hindu rope plant. You may also see this plant called porcelain flower, krinkle kurl, or wax plant. With proper care, the vines of the mature plants can reach lengths of up to 15 feet long.
Give a Hoya compacta plant six hours of indirect sunlight each day. Don’t grow your Hoya compacta in a spot where it will get direct sunlight in the afternoon, which can scorch its foliage or turn it yellow. Make sure to use a potting mix that offers plenty of drainage.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)
You may also see passionflower vine referred to as granadilla, passion vine, or maypop. The mature plants can reach heights of between six and 30 feet tall, with a spread of between three and six feet wide.
Grow passionflower in a spot where it will get full sun to partial shade. It likes to be kept evenly moist in well-draining soil so the plant won’t get waterlogged. Happy plants will blossom in shades of purple, blue, pink, red, or white.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Passionflower.
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
Pothos is one of the most popular plants you can grow, and it also goes by the name of devil’s ivy. There are green varieties or variegated ones in yellow or white and green, as well as a variety called golden pothos that is completely yellow. You can even find marbled or satin varieties. Healthy mature plants can have vines up to 20 or 40 feet long, with a spread of between three and six feet.
Pothos is notoriously easy to care for and can even tolerate long periods between watering. Keep the plant happy and healthy with soil that’s kept evenly moist but offers plenty of drainage. Pothos grows best in full sun to partial shade.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Pothos Plant (Devil’s Ivy) [https://www.gardeningchannel.com/pothos-plant-devils-ivy-care/].
Spiderwort (Tradescantia)
This plant also goes by the names of inch plant and wandering Jew. It’s one of the easiest plants there is to grow and seems to thrive on neglect. Outside of a container, they can even become invasive (which makes them perfect for the contained environment of an indoor garden). The pretty leaves may be purple, green, or a combination of the two. Some varieties of the plant even have a striped appearance.
Grow your spiderwort in full sun or partial shade. It will grow best in moist soil that provides plenty of drainage.
For more information, check out our article How to Grow Wandering Jew Houseplant (Tradescantia zebrina).
String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus)
String of dolphins is a nice-looking small houseplant that is much easier to grow than string of pearls. The leaves really do look like little jumping dolphins.
Grow this succulent in full sun to partial sun. It thrives in soil that offers good drainage, so plant with a cactus or succulent mix.
For more information, check out our article Caring for a String of Dolphins Plant (Senecio peregrinus).
String of Hearts (Ceropegia woodii)
This fast-growing plant is named for the attractive heart-shaped leaves it has. It also goes by the names Chinese lantern, chain of hearts, and rosary vine. With proper care, string of hearts will flower prolifically in shades from white to pale burgundy.
Grow string of hearts in partial sun. String of hearts thrives in fertile soil that drains well.
For more information, check out our article How to Care for the String of Hearts Houseplant (Ceropegia woodii).

String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)
String of pearls is known for being a challenge to grow, but gardeners keep trying because it’s just so beautiful. The plant produces long tendrils, which sprout the perfect round pearls. In spring, healthy string of pearls plants produce white flowers with a cinnamon scent.
String of pearls is toxic to humans and pets, so don’t grow it where children or pets play unsupervised.
These are the best indoor vine plants out there to add to your houseplant collection. With so many options to choose from, maybe it’s best to add several new plants.
Learn More About Indoor Vine Plants to Grow
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