Kale is a particularly easy and rewarding crop for the home gardener. It’s a nutritional powerhouse, rich in vitamins A, C and B6, as well as, minerals and dietary fiber. It’s also a long-lived low-maintenance crop, cold hardy and not very prone to disease. Last but not least it’s versatile, adding nutrition and flavor to many different dishes.
How to Grow and Care for Kale
Kale is a heavy feeder with an appetite for nitrogen. Organic growers should add plenty of compost or well-rotted manure to their soil. Kale can be direct-seeded or transplanted outside up to 5 weeks before the date of the last expected spring frost and succession-planted until 6 weeks before the first expected fall frost. It will produce over a long season, but its flavor is best after fall frosts increase the sugar content of leaves.
Spacing will depend on how you want to use your kale. Baby kale for salads or juicing can be sown 1″ apart in furrows spaced 4″ apart, or on a 2″ grid in a bed. Mature kale for cooking requires more space–allow 12″ between plants for smaller varieties like Red Russian, 18″ or more for larger plants like Winterbor.
Plant kale seeds 1/4″ – 1/2″ deep in moist soil, in a space where it will receive at least 5 hours of sun every day. In hot climates summer-sown kale will benefit from afternoon shading.
Kale Pests, Diseases and Problems
Kale is a fairly hardy crop, but there are still some pests and diseases that may occur.
Curled, puckered, yellow leaves may be a sign of aphid infestation. Look on the undersides of leaves for soft-bodied green, brown or pink insects about the size of pinheads. Aphids can be handpicked or killed with organic insecticidal soap. Ladybugs eat aphids.
Ragged holes in leaves may be caused by cabbage loopers or cabbage worms, light green yellow-striped caterpillars. Handpick them or spray with Bacillus thuringiensis.
Tiny pinholes in your leaves may be the work of flea beetles, tiny black jumping beetles that are very hard to handpick. Skeletonized leaves may be caused by the Mexican bean beetle. Leaves chewed to the stem suggest the presence of vegetable weevils. Pyrethrum spray may control these pests. Pyrethrum is organic but toxic to bees–spray it in the evening when pollinators aren’t active. Curly kale may be less susceptible to beetle damage than flat-leafed kale.
Powdery mildew is more apt to strike kale seedlings in the greenhouse than outdoor kale. Dusty gray spots spread rapidly over the leaves and the plants are weakened. Prune off infected leaves, dipping your cutters in a bleach-and-water solution after each cut, or spray with organic fungicides. Curly kale is less susceptible than flat-leafed kale.
Black leg causes sunken areas to develop around the stem near the ground and gray spots to appear on leaves and stems. The whole plant may wilt and die. This is hard to cure. Remove and destroy (do not compost) infected plants.
Kale Varieties
Flat-leafed kales like White and Red Russian are prized for their tenderness and flavor, but they are susceptible to pest and disease problems as noted above.
Curly kales like Vates and Winterbor are highly productive and more cold-hardy, pest-resistant and disease-resistant than other kale varieties.
Dinosaur kale or Tuscan kale has crinkly smooth-edged leaves and excellent flavor. It is not very cold hardy–leaves may be ‘burned’ by temperatures in the twenties.
Three Favorite Ways to Prepare Kale from the Garden
Young leaves may be eaten raw in salads or juiced. Older leaves are best cooked. Here are a few cooking suggestions, and really our favorite ways to eat kale:
If you like steamed kale, try mixing them with cheese and pesto for lasagna filling. Or, make a kale pesto! Add them to fried rice along with onions, eggs and soy sauce. Kale can be thrown in just about anything as you are cooking.
Using kale in salads is one of our favorite ways to use kale from the garden, specifically with an Asian dressing or seasonings. This is a great side dish that is really easy. You can add apples and cheeses. But it can stay simple, too, with a light Asian dressing.
Make “kale chips” by tearing leaves into pieces, drizzling them with olive oil and salt and baking them on paper-lined cookie sheets at 350 – 375 F for 5-7 minutes. This makes a great cooking project with children.
Common Questions and Answers About How to Grow Kale
Can I plant tomatoes and kale together?
Kale and other members of the brassica family should not be planted near tomatoes because they can stunt the growth of the tomatoes. Brassica plants include arugula, bok choy, broccoli, broccoli raab, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, honesty, horseradish, kohlrabi, radishes, rutabaga, sweet alyssum, turnips, and watercress.
Can kale grow in pots?
Yes, kale can be grown in containers. Each plant needs a container at least 12 inches wide by 12 inches deep filled with good quality potting soil. Find a sunny place for your kale plants where they will get at least six hours of sun each day. Give potted kale plants one to one and a half inches of water per week, keeping the soil moist to a depth of one inch. Kale growing in containers should be fertilized every seven to 10 days with a water-soluble 8-4-4 fertilizer mixed into water.
Can you eat kale after it flowers?
The flowering stalks of the kale plant are edible and are especially sweet. You may see them available for sale at farmer’s markets as kale raab. Similarly, broccoli raab is the flowering stalk of the broccoli plant.
Does kale come back every year?
Although kale is normally grown as an annual plant, it is actually a biennial, which means it has a two-year life cycle. In its first growing season, your kale plant will produce lots of leafy green foliage. In USDA hardiness zones 7 through 10, it will keep producing new leaves throughout the winter. Kale that survives through the winter and enters its second year will soon bolt, producing a flowering stalk that creates seeds.
Does kale have shallow roots?
Kale is categorized as having roots of medium depth, which means the plants need 18 to 24 inches of vertical space to really thrive. However, you can have success growing kale plants in containers as long as the container is at least 12 inches deep and 12 inches wide.
Does kale need a lot of water?
Kale needs one to one and a half inches of water per week, which should keep the soil where it’s growing moist to a depth of at least one inch. If you’re not sure whether your kale plants need to be watered, there is an easy way to check the moisture level of the soil. Just stick your finger into the soil about an inch deep near where your kale plants are growing. If the soil feels damp or sticks to your skin, it is still moist, and it isn’t yet time to water your kale plants again.
Does kale need sunlight to grow?
Kale needs at least six hours of direct sunlight each day in order to thrive. During especially hot seasons, your plants will benefit from partial shade, especially during the hottest part of the day.
Does kale regrow after picking?
When kale is harvested carefully, it works as a cut and come again vegetable that grows back to regenerate its leaves for multiple harvests. For your kale to grow back, harvest the oldest leaves first—the ones on the outside of the plant at the base. Use clean, sterilized shears to clip the leaves from the plant along with their stem. As long as you remove the stem along with the leaves and harvest the oldest leaves first, your plant will keep producing more leaves to replace the ones you’ve harvested.
How deep are kale roots?
Kale is categorized as a plant with roots of medium depth, and the root system extends 18 to 24 inches into the soil. That said, you can successfully grow kale in a container as long as the container is at least 12 inches deep by 12 inches wide.
How do you know when kale is ready to pick?
Most gardeners begin to harvest their kale once leaves have grown to be as big as a person’s hand. That said, kale can be harvested at practically any stage, from tiny microgreens to baby kale to fully mature leaves. You can begin harvesting kale leaves as soon as they are large enough to make cooking them or including them in a salad worthwhile. Even when you thin out your kale plants as they grow from seedlings, the baby plants you cull from your rows can be included in a salad or stir fry.
How long does it take for kale to harvest?
From the day seeds are planted, it takes kale between 70 and 80 days to mature until it’s ready for harvesting. If you count from the date young plants are transplanted into the garden, it takes kale 55 days to be ready to harvest.
How many hours of sunlight does kale need?
Kale performs best when it gets full sun or light shade, with shade especially benefiting plants when the weather gets hot. It needs at least four hours of sun each day. (Light shade means plants get four to six hours of sun per day, and full sun means plants receive six or more hours of sun per day.)
How much space do kale plants need?
Kale seeds should be sown three inches apart, and thinned once they reach between four and five inches tall to have 12 inches of space between plants. Grow kale in rows that are spaced 18 to 24 inches apart.
How often can you harvest kale?
Kale plants can typically be harvested 25 to 30 days after planting and can harvest again every four to five weeks throughout the growing season and again in the fall. In cool climate areas, you can continue to harvest kale year round.
How often do you water kale?
Keep kale watered with one and a half inches of water once aper week. Provide a deep drink once per week instead of multiple smaller waterings. If you live in a dry or hot climate, or are experiencing drought in your area, you may need to water kale plants two or three times per week.
How tall do kale plants grow?
Different varieties of kale reach different heights on average, but as a general rule, kale plants grow between 12 and 30 inches tall. Kale plants grow to reach widths between eight and 12 inches, on average.
Is kale an annual or a perennial?
Kale is most often grown as an annual, but kale plants are actually biennial, which means their growth cycle lasts two years. The first year kale is planted, it will produce lots of green leaves, and it will continue to produce leaves throughout the winter season in USDA hardiness zones 7 through 10. In its second year, kale will eventually begin to bolt, or go to seed, sending up a flowering stalk that can be eaten or left on the plant to produce seeds that, once they have matured, the gardener can collect and save in order to plant a new crop.
Is kale cut and come again?
When kale is harvested properly, it works as a cut and come again vegetable that quickly grows back to regenerate its leaves for multiple harvests. For your kale to grow back, harvest the oldest leaves first—those on the outside of the plant at the bottom. Use clean, sterilized garden shears to clip the leaves from the plant along with their stem. As long as you remove the stem along with the leaves and harvest the oldest leaves first, your plant will keep producing more leaves to replace the ones you’ve harvested.
Is kale easy to grow?
Kale is easy to grow by directly planting seeds outdoors, or by starting seeds indoors and transplanting. It grows well in-ground, in raised beds, or in containers if you don’t have a lot of garden space to work with. Kale is very hardy, and if provided with the proper growing environment, is a very plentiful crop to grow in your vegetable garden.
What is the best fertilizer for kale?
Fertilize the beds by mixing in several inches of compost or aged-manure prior to planting kale. When planting, use 0.5 cups of an all-purpose 5-10-10 fertilizer for each 10 feet of row. Mix it into the top 3 to 4 inches of soil. Keep your kale growing with side dressing throughout the growing season. Use compost or feed with some type of high nitrogen fertilizer like fish emulsion.
What season does kale grow in?
Kale can be planted in the spring for a summer harvest or in the late summer for a fall harvest.
When can I harvest kale from my garden?
From the day seeds are planted, it takes kale between 70 and 80 days to mature until it’s ready for harvesting. If you count from the date young plants are transplanted into the garden, it takes kale 55 days to be ready to harvest.
Where do you cut and harvest kale?
To harvest kale so it continues to grow and replace its leaves, use clean, sterilized shears to snip off the oldest leaves first, stem and all. Make sure to take the oldest leaves, which are on the outside of the plant at its base. As long as you remove the stem along with the leaves and harvest the oldest leaves first, your kale plant should continue growing and producing leaves for future harvests.
Where is kale grown best?
You can grow kale in in-ground gardens, in raised beds, or in containers. Just place them in a location with full sun and well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.5 to 6.8.
Why is my garden kale bitter?
Kale leaves turning bitter is a sign that your plant has begun to bolt, or flower. The leaves of the plant become slightly tough in texture and bitter in taste as the focus of the plant has shifted to producing flowers and has turned its attention away from the leaves. Another culprit that tends to turn garden kale bitter is warm weather, which often leads to bolting. Cool temperatures equals sweet kale leaves. Help promote a cool environment by providing a steady supply of water and mulch around your kale plants to improve the soil temperatures and help boost moisture retention.
Will kale grow back after cutting?
If you harvest kale correctly, the plant will continue to grow and produce leaves. Wait until your kale is 8 to 10 inches tall to harvest it. This takes about 55 days after transplanting the kale as small seedlings in the garden, or about 70 to 80 days after sowing seeds. Cut the outer, lower stems with scissors or hand clippers to harvest them. You can also bend and snap them off if desired. If any look damaged or yellow, discard them. Green leaves are ready to be washed and stored or cooked. Leave at least four inner leaves that are still developing on each plant so it continues to produce more leaves throughout the winter as needed. Cut all the stems with hand clippers if you want to harvest the whole plant. Leave about 2 inches of stems intact and your kale might produce another harvest.
Will kale survive a hard freeze?
Kale can survive in temperatures as low as 10 degrees and is also known for improved sweetness after frost. Kale is a very hardy vegetable which not only tolerates the cold, but it has no problems with common insects like cabbage has.
Want to learn more about how to grow kale?
For more information, consult Rodale’s Garden Problem Solver and/or the following resources:
The Book of Kale: The Easy-to-Grow Superfood 80+ Recipes (Amazon affiliate link)
How to Grow Kale from Seed from NC Cooperative Extension
Kale: A nutrition powerhouse from Alaskan gardens from University of Alaska Fairbanks Cooperative Extension
Please note that links to Amazon from Gardening Channel are affiliate links.
I have a packet of seeds from Johnnys for Kalettes. Can’t find them in grocery stores so I’ll try to grow them myself. I use 4’x8′ raised beds.
im going to try and grow things in my garden again … green veg high in nutrition , and hardy .. kale ! .. and ?? … thank you very much … john
it maybe the dummest question you will ever encountered, but can you use apple cider vinegar as replacement to any soap or chemical spray for apids and other organic plant pest?
HI. I don’t know about apple cider vinegar, but a friend said to try water and ground up hot peppers for aphids.
I dont grow Kale but I do grow chard and my favourite way of preparing either chard or spinach is to cut the leaves into strips fry in a wok using olive oil with some 2cm squares of bacon then when the bacon is ready sprinkle some parmesan and serve.
If you like creamed spinach, you’ll love creamed kale………………..
I like my kale chips made with sesame oil. It really ramps up the flavor.
I like Kale done as a puree.
Fry onion and garlic. Add chopped up kale and cook gently as is with lid on a heavy saucepan. Season with salt, pepper and nutmeg. Blend in a food processor. Eat like soft mash.
Nonemail of you have mentioned good old fashioned kale greens
My mom cooked kale with chopped onions, a small chunk of ham, diced, and red pepper flakes, and salt to taste. Then you simmer it, stirring occasionally until the color fades a bit
May not be the healthiest way, but it’s the tastiest. Same deal for collards and Swiss chard. Nothing beats a good pot of greens!
Cabbage worms will own your kale plant in my area if you don’t take preventative measures. I cover the leaves with row cover material, allowing slightly reduced sunlight in but no cabbage moths get access to the leaves. The result is I get plenty perfect kale leaves that I’m not sharing with any pests.