Image found on Flickr, courtesy of Scott.Zona.
This site has complete information about Master Gardener program, and various native plants, wildlife, fertilizers and pesticide usage.
This page has links to detailed information on pests.
This webpage has information about Master Gardener program for the Broward Count, offered by the University of Florida.
This page is a guide to complete information on Master Gardener program for Miami-Dade County offered by the University of Florida IFAS Extension.
The Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS) is a non-profit organization that promotes the preservation, conservation, and restoration of the native plants and native plant communities of Florida and the use of Florida native plants in landscaping. Monthly meetings are organized where members learn, and share plants. The organization publishes a monthly newsletter, Tillandsia, with announcements of activities and articles about native plants and the South Florida environment.
The Fort Lauderdale Garden Club features programs, floral design workshops and youth gardening classes which are open to the public.
Learn2Grow is an outdoor living resource that helps in making home and garden decisions easier, through expert advice, a friendly community and the garden marketplace.
The National Tropical Botanical Garden works to enrich life through discovery, scientific research, conservation, and education by perpetuating the survival of plants, ecosystems, and cultural knowledge of tropical regions.
Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is a botanic garden and resource center in Coral Gables that features collections of rare tropical plants including palms, cycads, flowering trees and vines. The website provides information about visiting, research, educational activities, and conservation.
Gifford Arboretum maintained by University of Miami is a botanic garden featuring many native and exotic plants.
The American Orchid Society works to extend the knowledge, production, use, perpetuation and appreciation of orchids. Their efforts include research in all aspects of orchidology; collection and dissemination of information, and the establishment and maintenance of its awards system, the purpose of which is to recognize excellence orchids and the culture and hybridization thereof.
Montgomery Botanical Center is an independent nonprofit research institute committed to the development of and the use of scientific and educational tropical plant collections with an emphasis on palms and cycads.
Pinecrest Gardens is dedicated to the promotion of interest in gardening among the residents of the village of Pinecrest, Florida. It organizes various programs and workshops related to gardening.
MOUNTS Botanical Garden programs provide horticultural and botanical information related to South Florida’s unique plants and environment. Tropical and subtropical plants from six continents are showcased on MOUNTS’ 14 acres, from arid-land plants to aquatics to edible landscapes.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping provides detailed information about Florida native plants and lawn care. It offers a comprehensive searchable database about plants specific to certain type of climate and terrain.
A Miramar, Florida, based gardening enthusiast chronicles his day to day experiences in planting various plants.
This page has links to articles which provide tips on gardening and lawn care in Miami-Dade County.
This page gives monthly tips for South Florida gardeners.
A South Florida gardening enthusiast records her experiences while planting flowers, fruits and vegetables in her backyard. The website also contains links to articles on gardening tips.
This online book on Docstoc is a comprehensive guide to vegetable gardening in South Florida, prepared by Master Gardeners from Broward County Extension Education program.
Southern Gardening provides in-depth articles and weekly news and tips on gardening in the Coastal South region of the U.S., focusing on North Central Florida.
This article will give you tips on growing mangoes in South Florida.
A South Florida-based gardener recounts her experiences while cultivating flowers, fruits and vegetables in her backyard gardener.
Miami Beach Botanical Garden, spread over 4.5 acre, showcases orchids, tropical plants and trees, a Japanese Garden, and a unique vertical landscape exhibit. The website also provides information on gardening events.
The Fruit & Spice Park is spread over 37-acre and hosts over 500 varieties of fruits, vegetables, spices, herbs, and nuts, and other commercially important plant specimens from around the world. The Park showcases 150 varieties of mango, 75 varieties of bananas, 70 bamboo varieties, and numerous other exotic edibles.
This page has a directory of nurseries in Miami-Dade County and surrounding areas.
The Garden Club of Palm Beach is dedicated to the conservation, civic improvement and horticulture, and works towards the restoration of the Everglades. Garden Club members attend town meetings and participate in the discussion whenever the Town Council’s agenda addresses conservation, preservation or town beautification issues.
Members of Broward County Garden Clubs take part in landscaping projects of Habitat homes in Broward County. Members share information about growing flowering plants and work towards the beautification of the Broward County area.
This page lists featured articles on South Florida gardening basics for beginners.
Urban Oasis is project that offers plots to people for growing their own vegetables. The project members share knowledge on planting edibles in one’s yard or community as a step toward a sustainable food system. The website also features video clips on gardening.
The objective of South Florida Cactus and Succulent Society, Inc. is to promote education and cooperation among hobbyists and others interested in the study, culture, and propagation of cacti and other succulents.
Natives For Your Neighborhood provides information to turn simple gardening into habitat restoration by using plants that are native to a specific South Florida area.
A South Florida-based gardener comprehensively narrates her experiences while growing an edible garden at home. She shares information and recommends links to numerous resources on vegetable plants’ cultivation.
The ‘’ website is an exhaustive resource on pertinent information about Native Landscape Plants for South Florida.
The Tropical Audubon Society works towards the conservation of the natural world and promotion of stewardship of natural resources, especially native plants and animals and their habitat, by educating the public on understanding and appreciation of nature, the environment, and ecological relationships.
University Of South Florida Botanical Gardens consists of approximately 7 acres of developed gardens connected to an additional 6-9 acres of greenbelt area to the north on the southwest corner of the USF Tampa campus. The Gardens maintains a living collection of over 3,000 taxa of plants and natural habitats including: fruit trees, grasses, begonias, orchids, bromeliads, palms, aroids, gingers, carnivorous plants, cycads, cactus and succulent plants, an herb and scent garden, wetland forest, temperate forest, subtropical shade garden, and Florida upland scrub and sandhill habitats.
Are you interested in growing ornamental trees in South Florida? Check out this website.
This website gives you complete information on native trees for South Florida.
The Plant Atlas is an affiliation of herbaria, universities, conservation organizations, government agencies and information technology professionals. Project partners are united by a common need to manage and disseminate vascular and non-vascular plant information with colleagues and the public. The online Plant Atlas software application, originally developed by the University of South Florida, represents the tool that these partners have chosen to meet their needs.
This website has full of useful information and links on growing plants in South Florida.
This webpage includes a list of plant biologists of South Florida.
Florida-Friendly Landscaping is apractice utilizing Florida-friendly drought resistant plants and trees, which is an essential part of conserving, protecting and restoring water quality and supply.
This page is South Florida Water Management District’s plant and landscape practices guide, designed to help property owners landscape in ways that conserve both water and environment.
This is a manual for gardeners, landscapers and homeowners containing information about landscape plants for South Florida.
These features will give you tips and information on maintaining landscape plants of South Florida.
This page has business listing of lawn, garden care, landscaping and outdoor services in Broward County, Ft. Lauderdale, and surrounding areas.
This page has information on growing variegated plants in South Florida.
This website is a guide to South Florida plants, habitats and ecosystems. The website contains information about South Florida’s trees, shrubs and vines with photographs and descriptions of their flowers, fruits and leaves.
This is a research paper on South Florida weeds.
Check out these fact sheets containing information on landscape and ornamental insect pests in South Florida.
The Tropical Fern & Exotic Plant Society based in South Florida is dedicated to collecting and cultivating tropical ferns and exotic plants.
This University of Florida IFAS Extension webpage has information on native landscape plants for South Florida.
Are you looking for contact details of Fort Lauderdale nurseries and garden centers? Check out this webpage.
The Fort Lauderdale Research & Education Center’s trial garden does research as well as supports teaching and extension programs. Their objective is to provide unbiased evaluations of bedding plant cultivar performance in South Florida. Plants are evaluated monthly for plant height, width, flower number, and quality.
This page has listing of Pompano Beach garden and plant nurseries.
This blog is a web journal of South Florida based gardener who records the progress of plants in her garden.
A gardener in south Florida chronicles her experiences while experimenting with plant cultivation in her backyard. The site also contains useful tips on growing plants and vegetable during certain months.
The garden club of Coral Springs is a non-profit, educational, environmental and community involved organization. The club is dedicated to protecting and conserving natural resources, advancing the art of gardening, horticulture and floral design, promoting civic and roadside beautification, and developing a strong youth program in the community. The club also organizes monthly meetings which feature knowledgeable speakers on diverse subjects such as orchids, roses, palms, lawn care, butterfly gardens, proper pruning, grafting and wildlife habitats.
This page has listing of nurseries in and around Coral Springs, Florida.
This directory provides details of lawn and garden care services in Coral Springs, FL.
This page has a comprehensive list of Coral Springs, Florida landscapers.
The Boca Raton Garden Club has its own Rose Garden, Japanese Garden, Children’s Herb Garden, Butterfly Garden, Cactus and Succulent Garden, Bromeliad Garden and Fern Garden.
The West Palm Beach Garden Club is a group of individuals interested in gardening, horticulture, conservation, flower arranging, and other related topics. The group meets monthly from October through May and the meetings feature speakers, workshops, demonstrations, and field trips covering a variety of gardening topics.
The goals of Boca Raton Orchid Society are to promote education on all aspects of orchid culture; to support a scholarship at Florida Atlantic University; and to provide ongoing support for the American Orchid Society.
The Coral Springs Orchid Society is a non-profit organization affiliated with the American Orchid Society. The Society’s purpose is to meet and discuss orchids; to learn how to buy, grow, and care for them; and to impart this knowledge to orchid lovers in the area.
The South Florida Orchid Society, Inc. is a not-for-profit membership corporation dedicated to the improvement and conservation of orchids through education and research.
This Gardenguides page has tips on growing vegetables in South Florida.
A gardening expert answers to queries on growing plants and vegetables asked by residents of South Florida.
could you give me a list of places where they teach you how to grow a herb garden in south fl. i live in the westpalm beach/broward area. thank you, cory