Succulents are extremely popular plants to grow right now, but how do you decide which one? We’ve built this list of every succulent houseplant we could think of so that you can consider which one might work best for your house or apartment. Did we miss any? Let us know in the comments and we’ll update.
The Agave Horrida plant is mainly used for decorative purposes. Suitable for the outdoors, it is also called the Century Plant.
Aloe Vera
Known for its multiple benefits, the plant is one of the most popular succulents. It can be used to ease scrapes, burns or specific skin conditions.
The Quaqua Mammillaris has distinct green stems. The plant is easy to grow indoors or outdoors. However, it will not grow flowers with changing temperatures.
Baby Toes
With unusual tubular leaves, the plant is suitable for indoor growing. Regular irrigation is recommended.
Ballerina Flower
The Weberocereus Tonduzii needs plenty of water. It is known for its root issues, in which case, the overly soft roots need to be cut.
Known as the Pygmaeocereus Bieblii, the cactus has short spines. It grows solitary and it grows distinct bright white flowers.
Burro’s Tail
With a shape that resembles a tail, the plant is suitable for indoor decoration. Good drainage is crucial for its container when it comes to proper care.
Christmas Cactus
Theoretically a cactus, the plant is not enjoying too much dryness. To initiate flower bud formation, the plant can be moved outdoors in a shaded spot right after summertime, when temperatures start to drop.
Coastal Stonecrop
The Sedum Litoreum plant is easy to grow. It can be laid directly on the ground, at its permanent growing location.
Crown of Thorns
The plant is known for its low watering needs. Ideally, it is placed in an interior environment where it gets at least 3-4 hours of sulnight each day.
Devil’s Trumpet
With its Tavaresia Angolensis scientific name, the plant has asymmetric flowers. The plant does not grow well in high humidity.
The distinct tropical plant has hundreds of species. It is named after Discordes, a Greek botanist.
Donkey Tail
The hanging plant is used for indoor decorative purposes. It needs weekly watering and a strong light source to reach its two-foot maximum length.
Originating in South Africa, this colorful plant is occurring in the popular area of the Great Karoo. It is part of the Apocynaceae family.
Echeveria Pollux
Suitable for outdoor decoration, the plant has hundreds of hybrids. It can be placed in full sun to reach its maximum height of two inches.
The elegant cacti is native to the US. Its name is derrived from the Latin word “fierce” and the Greek word for “thistle”.
Flaming Katy
Native to Madagascar Island, the plant is very sensitive to cold. It can be a houseplant with temperatures up to 85 degrees, but not lower than 60 degrees.
Ghost Plant
The name of the plant Graptopetalum comes from the Greek words of “marked petals”. Its larger species can reach heights of up to 12 inches.
Gray Stonecrop
Known as the Rhodiola Pachyclados , the plant is not pretentious. Grown outdoors, it can be planted in areas without too much sun.
The succulent plant is also known as the Zebra Cactus. Mostly used for outdoor decoration, the plant comes with thick green leaves.
With thousands of species, the plant is known to propagate quickly. Red flowers can bloom with weekly care.
Hooker’s Orchid Cactus
The Epiphyllum Hookeri epiphytic plant is native to Central America. The beautiful plant is also known as Orchid Cacti.
Ipomoea Bolusiana
With a twinning characteristic, the largest plant of the Convolvulaceae family is native to tropical regions. It grows anywhere between 8 and 20 cm in diameter.
Jade Plant
Resembling a miniature tree, the plant comes with thick dark green leaves. Once the plant matures, it can grow pink or white flowers.
Jatropha Podagrica
The plant is native in Central America. It is mostly found in Mexico and Nicaragua. It is part of the Euphorbiaceae family.
Resistant to low temperatures, the plant is also called the Beard of Jupiter. It grows in mountainous areas of Europe.
Kedrostis Africana
An African native, the plant has a few other names, such as Bryonia Africana. The plant is a climber, so it needs some type of support.
Keeled Gasteria
With a South African origin, the Gasteria Carinata succulent plant can come in various colors. The plant is known for its slow-growing characteristics, such as its Sakura Fuji hybrid.
Also known as the Karro Rose, the Lapidaria Margaretae plant is part of the Aizoaceae family. It can grow up to three flowers in time.
The low growing plant has a unique look. Black spoting is seen on its leaves. The plant is similar to the Agave family.
Mexican Fencepost Cactus
The Pachycereus Marginatus plant is also known as the Mexican Fence Post Cactus. It has a columnar trunk and it reaches heights of up to 12 feet.
Mouse Tail Cactus
The Rhipsalis Baccifera has long distinct stems. Growing the plant is easy. Its soil should remain moist at all times.
The plant comes with dark green leaves. Its yellow flowers can reach up to 1 inch in diameter.
With flashy leaves, the cactus comes with no spines. It can grow up to 4 feet in height and up to 20 inches in width.
This Obregonia Denegrii plant differentiates itself with its wool-hidden fruits. Growing the plant is not easy and it needs good drainage as well as not too much organic material.
Orange Crown Cactus
The Rebutia Fiebrigii can be grown easilly. The plant should be allowed to dry properly before watering.
With its distinct star-shaped flowers, the Orbea Schweinfurthii plant can be used for decoration. Its flowers have a yellow color with deep red spots.
Oscularia Pedunculata
The green plant can grow up to 1 foot. Its flowers are purple-pink and they can open fully during late spring afternoons.
Pectinaria Namaquensis
With a leafless and hairless profile, the plant is quite rare. Its small flowers have a green to yellow color.
Rhytidocaulon Macrolobum
The plant branches to a miniature tree. They are to be grown outdoors as they immediately die inside the house.
With only one spine per areole, the Mammillaria Spinosissima plant can grow up to 4 inches in diameter. Its flowers are purple-red.
Silver Dollar Vine
The Xerosicyos Danguyi is a climbing plant. It has distinct round leaves. It grows best in full sun.
Syrian Bean Caper
Called the Zygophyllum Fabago, the plant has unique waxy leaves. It grows specifically well in arid areas with not too much water.
Tenshi no Namida
The Tulista Pumila is one of the most popular succulent plants. It has sharp pointy leaves growing in a rosette shape.
Tugela Cliff-Kalancho
The Kalanchoe Longiflora succulent plant is found in Madagascar and South Africa. Its species can come with both wide and narrow leaves.
Uebelmannia Buiningii
The spheric cactus needs plenty of light. Growers need to shelter the cactus from low temperatures.
Villadia Batesii
Often called the Cotyledon batesii, the plant is known for its yellow-green color. It can grow both indoors and outdoors.
Viola Volcanica
The plant grows best in cold cliamtes. Fertilizer is recommended for its to grow properly. Watering is done at least once per week.
Yavia Cryptocarpa
With very small spines, the cactus can grow outdoors, but not in direct sunlight. It needs watering during its growing period.
The Zamioculcas Zamiifolia plant grows everywhere as it needs no care. It is known for its resilience and it doesn’t need too much watering either.

I am surprised you left out Calandrinia, the most attractive of all the succulents. Does it go by another name?
Oh man! I saw the title for this and got excited because I thought I was going to find out what the succulents are that I have growing in my “cactus garden”, but how sad am I that there are NO PICTURES! What good does this list do for any beginner? When you buy a new plant at the store it says “SUCCULENT” on it, not what the name of the actual plant is. How am I supposed to learn what these are?
Please? can you put pictures with each description & name, so I…we can identify what we have growing in our gardens?
Some of the pictures are in the Sunset Western Garden Book.