QUESTION: Can I start cauliflower from seeds? How do you transplant cauliflower? -Sal R. … [Read more...]
How do you grow cauliflower at home?
QUESTION: How do you grow cauliflower at home? Does it grow well in a home vegetable garden? -Rex F. … [Read more...]
Are all parts of cauliflower edible?
QUESTION: Which parts of the cauliflower plant can I eat? Are the leaves edible? -Tim W … [Read more...]
Are there worms in cauliflower?
QUESTION: Are there worms in cauliflower? How should I be checking my plants? - Tracy R. … [Read more...]
93 Ways to Use Cauliflower from Your Garden
by Erin Marissa Russell Wondering how to prepare all the homegrown cauliflower your garden has produced this season? When you’re tired of your standby recipes and ready to move on to something different, it can be intimidating to pick through all the recipes that are out … [Read more...]