QUESTION: Can I grow tomatoes on my deck? I don’t have any areas in my back yard that get enough direct sun, but my deck probably does. – Victoria J
ANSWER: This is a resounding, “Yes!” My favorite place to grow tomatoes is on my deck, even though I live on a large plot of land.
The reason being is it’s simple. They’re easy to get to when caring for them, easy to reach when I’m ready to utilize them, and (in my experience) they tend to remain healthier with less work on my part.
My biggest struggle with growing tomatoes on my deck is stopping my dog from snacking on them!
If you’re interested in growing tomatoes on your deck, start by ensuring it receives enough sunlight. Tomatoes are sun-lovers.
Therefore, they need full sunlight. This should equate to around six or more hours of direct lighting each day.
Once you know the location receives enough light, it’s time to look at containers. The container you choose should drain properly and should be deep enough to support the plant.
My favorite container for growing tomatoes is a five-gallon bucket with holes drilled in it. This holds enough dirt for the plant and is also deep enough that my plants don’t get root bound.
When growing tomatoes in containers it’s vital that you supply nutrients and water on a regular basis. They won’t have as much soil to pull these necessities from for longer periods of time.
Therefore, it’s important that you check your soil daily to see if more water is needed. I recommend watering your tomato plants deeply to encourage strong, healthy plants.
Be sure to fertilize your plants monthly with an all-purpose fertilizer. Be mindful that you don’t overdo it with nitrogen as this will cause bushy plants with little fruit.
You should also be prepared to provide support to your tomatoes. You can wind them up your deck railing or install a trellis in the container alongside your tomatoes.
Finally, the most important aspect to growing tomatoes on your deck is picking the right kind of tomato.
I’ve found smaller tomatoes work best when growing them in containers. Cherry tomato varieties are wonderful producers in this setting.
Roma and compact bush varieties are a few other options I’ve been pleased with when growing tomatoes on my deck.
No matter which type of tomato you grow, always be aware of any pests or diseases which might impact them. By catching threats early, you stand the greatest chance of your plants bouncing back.
Tomatoes are a versatile plant that are grown using various garden methods. Growing them in containers on your deck could be your new favorite method for producing these crops.
Learn More About Growing Tomatoes

Question: I have tomatoes in pots on a third floor deck. There’s lots of sun. Lots of blossoms!
But little fruit is set, even for the cherry tomatoes. Could this all be too high for the blossoms to be fertilized?
There are a few birds and a few insects I see., but not as many as lower down. There are much taller trees nearby which must be harboring creatures.