QUESTION: What is the best fertilizer for broccoli? When should I fertilize broccoli plants? -Tim L.
ANSWER: Start off with using a high-quality, all-purpose 20-20-20 fertilizer at the start. Use this fertilizer when transplanting your young broccoli plants into their final location. Be sure to follow package directions. Liquid fertilizers are easier to apply. Granular products are also relatively easy and can cost less. Remember to water your broccoli right after fertilizing. This allows the nutrients to soak down into the root zone.
You can also use ammonium sulfate. As plants begin to produce fruit, add ammonium sulfate at a rate of one half cup for 10 feet of row. At heading time, you can add another feeding of ammonium sulfate. Consider using a micronutrient fertilizer to help build soil nutrients that your plants might need to produce healthy fruit.
With container broccoli, use a timed release 10-10-10 or 14-14-14 fertilizer formula at the time of planting. Mix the fertilizer thoroughly with your potting mix. Approxiamtely midway through the growing season, fertilize broccoli again with a water soluble fertilizer. Follow the directions on the label.Â
Looking for organic fertilizer options? Check out these.

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